About us
Wake up everybody!
You have the power. Regardless if you’re a newbie or a confirmed enthusiast. Together we can change and improve the selection of quality and genuine wine. In Sweden, at Systembolaget and, in restaurants. Together we will challenge the occupying bag-in-boxes, full of additives, that encourages overconsumption. Together we will challenge the wines with cloudy origins, claiming to be the real deal. We will introduce you to wine that is up to scratch, a wine that we would want for ourselves. Wines that stand for something in terms of origin and production. Wines that taste good and are educating for our palets. From great table wine to rare gems. No secret article numbers. No members club. Everything should be available on equal terms. Join us on our quest for an even better wine-Sweden. Newbies and confirmed enthusiasts! /Alex /Kalle /Martin /Douglas
Photo: Bisse Bengtsson